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I loved this, and was hoping to find an update. 
May the Gods and Goddesses be with you and the lovely little cleric Mizal.   Wondering if you have a loose ETA on the next update?

No pressure, I just want to encourage your novel/game writing. 

My Angelic side loves Mizal's fun, cute, and sexy personality.  My Devilish side LOVES the hard troubles she keeps stumbling into!!!

Thanks Dingo!

Glad to hear you enjoyed the game it's encouraging  :)

What was a scene you particularly liked in chapter 1? 

I won't hide the progress slowed down a lot with the house move and change of regular jobs, want to put out an ETA in December's Devlog. 

Is this game ever going to be Android I  hope so.🥺

I have no idea how to build one; sorry about that. Perhaps others will create ports for Android as this goes.

External apps/emulators are an option that might work for you but I've only heard they work for some people, never tried them personally. 

Ouch... when you don't have a computer cause it broke. 💔